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Bulyea Heights优质华府!超2090尺宜居空间,步行学校,海量升级!

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2024-6-20 09:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2024-6-20 10:57 编辑
! A$ {/ L4 a$ s5 z2 @3 ?0 O8 p  B# I- ]5 Y  a
地址:237 BURTON RD NW& f' ^5 @4 z; c( E1 }
4 q; _$ N3 {" Z8 A
售价:$599,0008 T3 g: z% o7 ^* b7 M: Y3 `

3 T: d" w, {- u3 V- V联系方式:老杨团队# @5 L8 o+ L( I/ t- i0 [  T
0 [( ]/ T1 n, P$ w# V$ V  H9 C
http://www.fanyangteam.com2 @7 V% M* j2 s: `* T

$ h1 R. u' K- C, Q+ v+ |+ d! O. y' Q) B. v
5 L/ p! y, V  n' ]8 n) g9 D& W8 L8 \0 V2 G) X
Bulyea Heights优质华府!全屋超2090尺宜居空间,整体升级,包括三层工艺大窗、耐久屋顶、新近更换了热水罐,全新厨房升级了石英台面等,更多精彩等您来发现!; M! ^' G' j# }$ i
- z. |* h0 }" o) t7 t/ h7 s- t7 v
. R  p/ O$ s8 B* }* {7 \
1 e* ^( ~$ {  F( X7 }9 u/ B主层配备了超大尺寸书房(亦可作为卧室),拾级而上,二楼设有主卧室、4pc卫浴间内安装了超大按摩浴缸,另外两间卧室同样非常宜居。地下室部分完成,另有2间额外卧室。
4 b. ^4 Z3 y6 N, w' u
* H6 l; Z! w+ A- ~  H% m后院双层甲板已就绪,您可徜徉其上欣赏私家庭院优美景观——果木成荫、花床中百花盛放。
0 g0 i4 \7 j$ ~2 |( t8 |% y1 t1 R( c0 y% I0 c6 F! ^! w
好房位置优越!步行学校、河谷步行道,驱车轻抵Whitemud freeway和Terwilliger。
3 {: e( `, b, F+ H1 s; z- t$ I2 {( o/ Z# s
. w8 b% d3 L0 ?  l  m1 y% E' e6 I& e+ d9 \, U4 ?3 t4 i! U2 j
Welcome to the completely renovated 2090+ SQFT 2-storey home in Bulyea Heights. This house has been upgraded from top to bottom, including Life-Time shingle, Trip-Pane windows, newer Water-Tank, new kitchen with quartz countertops and so much more! This beautiful house features a vaulted cedar ceiling throughout the foyer, living room and formal dining area. The kitchen and nook overlook a sunken family room and a wet bar. The sunny nook with huge windows offers a serene view of greeneries from the garden. The first floor is completed with a large sized den/bdrm. Upstairs, you will find a master bdrm with a 4-piece ensuite featuring a large jacuzzi and two more good sized bdrms. The partially finished basement offers 2 additional bdrms. Outside, the backyard is an oasis offering a large 2-layered deck, mature fruit trees along with landscaped garden beds. Walking distance to schools and River valley ravines trails. Easy access to Whitemud freeway and Terwilliger. Don’t miss out on this beautiful home!; f' A# C$ ^+ e4 S% L1 K4 y/ _
8 E6 u, j  S  e: z

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