埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2024-7-11 09:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地址:212 625 LEGER Way
8 o2 Q! {2 l! t
! F3 D2 m* R0 c7 G2 @! s售价:$445,000
- w2 S5 }4 P) Q! N9 }2 |/ H& ]" t+ }( D+ O  A1 ~4 L
1 X1 u( {4 U3 S) R+ E; w, M9 u; m+ S- c1 J7 T* q
http://www.fanyangteam.com4 r  [& |/ c; [' l9 i  U# J1 F4 n  i
: x* N- l6 Z. u8 N2 Y( _

! p5 m0 j4 }! R1 j% B- }8 B6 f4 o( P* u( `
Leger优质奢华美居!“把边儿”公寓,静逸宜居,畅享公园景致!2 ?. |& F8 ?3 w* O4 J3 P
& d5 Y& \: W$ c* B8 e3 k
( {, s( g  r" C' y& c
/ c# R  u" O2 ^9 F- a全屋提供9尺挑高天花板,双卧双全卫+地上/地下双停车位+存储柜。空调好房,冬暖夏凉,还设有套内洗衣,非常便利!* b; O8 @2 Y; {1 ?  U, H

# q1 P5 V! F7 z( C美食厨房安装了整体白色时尚橱柜、石英台面、工艺硬木地板、全套SS级不锈钢电器。超大饭岛带餐吧、餐具食品存储间、瓷砖防溅墙等,一应俱全!- n1 d( K" b& X: G' O; Q9 Z9 K
( e4 Q; p- A, n1 v
明丽好房还设有额外隔音系统,超大覆盖式阳台上BBQ燃气线路已就绪。2 g$ \2 t3 T/ w) Y: T- [

$ w+ i! F8 S/ u! V位置优越!步行学校、健身中心,分分钟直达公园\\LRT车站,周边各种生活设施齐备!
2 {+ k4 r/ x& o. J. r( N; A* [7 C8 k. B# ~0 x: @1 _
: n2 x. U2 T2 |& e. s6 z( r
  }6 S0 j5 I+ AWelcome to the spacious luxury condos in the picturesque community of Leger. Corner unit with own privacy + a beautiful city view! This bright, open concept BRASS III home features signature quality design, architecture and construction with custom home finishing in detail rarely seen in the condo market. Offers 9 ft ceilings, 2 bedroom & 2 full baths, titled TANDEM U/G parking has 2 PARKINGS space and storage cage, A/C-central and In suite Laundry. Open & spacious floor plan with white cabinetery, quartz countertops, engineering hardwood flooring, ss appliances, huge island with eating bar, pantry, tiled backslash, porcelain tile floors & so much more. Bright unit with extra sound proofing, huge covered balcony w natural Gas BBQ hookup and a utility room. This home is a rare find within easy walking distance of schools, the Rec centre, located minutes to park, LRT and all amenities.
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; O# }" a8 y3 m# B, {/ ], O% @6 M/ F4 u- Q4 d. i
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