埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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Central Park优质双拼!前样板间,海量升级!超低Condo Fee,步行学校、公交站!

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2024-7-11 10:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地址:64 14208 36 Street- |+ h7 S9 P$ |* w
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售价:$308,800) D' T8 I9 R: a7 w  M
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( F3 V% F& h: z, E! @0 p' V3 k2 DCentral Park优质双拼!这栋前样板间精致装修,新近粉刷、海量升级!
# G( j8 G  r+ F+ s$ J2 t! {2 D  Q! a) B2 S7 z3 u
美食厨房升级了橱柜、全套SS级电器,超大台面和可步入餐具食品存储间齐全!客厅安装了燃气壁炉,另有一间便利卫生间和超大衣橱。& K. \- L6 \5 f

, ~& k6 X) n% h2 @拾级而上,二楼设有超大主卧套间,带4pc卫浴间和可步入式衣橱。另外两间宽敞卧室共享另一套全卫浴。直达车库带遥控门,进出便利!7 _' Z6 t+ H9 c, |0 O, \! y' X% {

) A' J7 ?% p8 e# W% l! p% q3 g好房景观完成、藩篱合围,舒适的混凝土露台非常便利!步行学校、公交站、商超和全新的健身中心。畅享便利生活!4 I' h, ]+ [4 [: }; G
7 {- P6 G' y6 U9 y0 Z% X
超低Condo Fee  $165.56/月,让您后顾无忧!
8 {" Z6 l5 K* D
- |7 W5 C* ~8 s- E1 i好区好房好价,诚邀品鉴!
4 j' h" Y  a; o! U% H
- E5 I7 o! D& d. E0 JThis Former Showhome is well laid out and has many attractive features. Freshly painted and newly renovated! This beautiful 2 storey half duplex is located in the popular complex of Cottage in Central Park in Clareview Town Center. Great kitchen is with upgraded cabinets, SS appliances, large counter space and a walk-in pantry;Living room has a gas fireplace; A 2 piece bath and and a large closet is also located on the main floor. Upstairs has a large master suite, with 4 piece bath and walk-in closet. It also offers two good size bedrooms share one more full bath. Attached single garage with door opener. Fully landscaped and fenced backyard with a cozy concrete patio. Walking distance to shopping, school, transport, and new full deluxe Recreation Centre. Lowww condo fee !Price to sell ! This premium duplex is definitely a good choice in the community of Clareview.$ b2 P$ o$ D( Z! W: e

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